


A theatrical prelude

A theatrical prelude that preceded a conference given by Jaques Rancière at Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels.


“Red Pedagogy Laboratory”

A pedagogical team named “Red Pedagogy Laboratory” invites us to Instituts Saint-Luc Bruxelles to show our work in progress of our theatrical prelude prelude. A meeting with the students and the pedagogues of the school was organized.


Jacotiste School in Limerle

We were invited twice to the Jacotiste school in Limerle, close to Gauvy - in the Belgian Ardennes. http://www.peripleenlademeure.com/spip.php?rubrique1


The Method of Equality

Yugoslav tour of Jaques Rancière with the title “The method of Equality” was organised by someone among us. For us, a decisive moment, as we decide, in certain way, to detach from the book “The Ignorant Schoolmaster” and continue to work more on principles and the poetry that we take out of it.

"Rancière... flying around like fashion" - solo by Liza

Liza presented a solo work at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade, based on her emancipatory paths from the scholar and artistique institutions approaches to dance: http://ranciere.mi2.hr/beograd/


A five week exhibition at ULB Brussels

The Free University of Brussels - ULB invites us to organise a five week exhibition, on the invitation of the Department of Political Science of ULB. This project intention was a start to introducing Art at the University - to present, once again, art as knowledge.


film - video - trailers

First rushes of our trailer were created


PhD in One Night (a thought. a movement.) from PHD in One Night on Vimeo.

People Coming from Nowhere are (in this moment) : Liza Penkova, Ivana Momcilovic, Dejana Sekulic, Marta Coronado, Nina de Vroome, Xavier Löwenthal, Ljubomir Jakic, Kosta Jakic, Beniamin Boar, Jacques Ranciere, Djordje Balzamovic, Anny Czupper, Francois Beukelaers, Uros Maksimovic, and all who wish to join... Special thanks to Brice Cannavo, Pauline Fonsny, Manuella de Tervarent, Collectif Manifestement. To be continued...

2013 - 2014

Experimental Workshops and first Post-Conference

We organised a two weeks experimental workshops with the students of ISAC at Arba-Esa / Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles. Our first Post-Conference event was installed and presented on this occasion.


L'Université Populaire d'Anderlecht (UPA), Brussels/Belgium

The beginning of the new collaboration, with L'Université Populaire d'Anderlecht (UPA) in Brussels.

Post-Conference + Post-Symposium in Finland

We are currently in negotiation with different possible collaborators in Helsinki about taking Post-Conference and Post-Symposium in Finland in 2016.
